The Future of Building React ComponentsUntil now, ‘stateful’ logic or data that changes within a React application was tightly attached to a class-based component. However, what…Feb 19, 2021Feb 19, 2021
A beginner’s guide to React.js in 2021You’re deciding which framework you’d like to learn as we get ready to jump into 2021. For most of us, the year 2020 has been a standstill…Dec 10, 2020Dec 10, 2020
Seed MongoDB using external API in Node.jsThrough teaching myself the MERN Stack, and building Full Stack applications whether, for personal projects, or freelance work, I was…Oct 19, 20201Oct 19, 20201
Fixing MongoServerSelectionError while connecting MongoDB with node.jstype: ‘ReplicaSetNoPrimary’Jul 22, 20208Jul 22, 20208
INTRO TO SASS (syntactically awesome style sheets)This blog is intended to upgrade your CSS skills, and to introduce some awesome styling advantages you’ll get when switching from CSS to…Jul 8, 2020Jul 8, 2020
React Routing and Getting You Started.As we approach the beginning of the end of our experience at the Flatiron school, we learned React Js. ReactJs is an open-source…Jan 23, 2020Jan 23, 2020
Javascript and Single Page ApplicationsThe traditional way to build a web application in the past was to follow a multiple page application website structure. The name speaks…Jan 9, 2020Jan 9, 2020
Ruby Number HelpersBuilding out my Module 2 Project at the Flatiron school, my partner and I decided to build out a domain where users can put up a home for…Dec 4, 2019Dec 4, 2019
Rescue your Ruby ApplicationMoving into the second module of my coding bootcamp experience, last week we ended the first module building our first command line…Nov 21, 2019Nov 21, 2019